We are a people who serve the Lord Jesus Christ with our hearts, our minds and our hands.
We ask questions, we find answers, support, challenge, and fellowship in our church family.
We believe we are called to serve the world, our community, and one another with Christ-like love.
We live in hope and with joy, because by God's grace we have been forgiven.
We, the members of the Trinity Presbyterian Church, being covenanted with the living God, through
Jesus Christ, and being His people in this place and in this age, do sincerely and openly make this
covenant with one another. We strive to provide the following as a Church Family and mission:
Weekly celebration in worship of the Living God as revealed to us through Jesus Christ;
An on-going nurture in the acceptance and caring of one another;
A deepening awareness through education of what our Christian faith means to us;
Participating in a witnessing love which declares to the world the love of God in Jesus Christ and an invitation to be part of it;
Opportunity to seek out and work for those means of pursuing the justice of God in the wholeness of life.
We as individual members covenant to use the gifts God has given us:
To be regular in worship and to grow in peace and Christian knowledge;
To draw others to the Church and to promote a spirit of love within the Church;
To be supportive of the ministers of the Church and to support the Church financially;
And to be loyal to the Church and to give evidence of the power of Christ by a Christ-like life.